Testimonials from Previous Years
What you have done for the tango community in the San Francisco area and the US is great. What made this a fun event included several things that really worked. The Venue is one of my favorite places to dance in San Francisco; I have alot of great memories dancing in the Verdi and your event created another one. Alexandra and I loved the way the seating was laid out.......What this did was encourage a better use of the cabaceo’s for everyone. It was easy to find someone to dance with and you left enough space to walk around the floor. Ken B
Neri and Ashvin, thank you for a super special weekend of dancing with old favorites and a slew of new! Your presentation and attention to detail delighted, and the seating arrangement a treat for the poorly sighted! Of course the music was sublime and the man in gold had me sold! Please repeat again next year, and I'll be first to sign on the ............dotted line! Margaret
Ashvin and Neri were savvy, kind and caring from the start, and we felt it in every decision they made, quite a few of which were new ideas(...): the seating arrangement (...)allowed easier cabaceos and a fresh feel to the room(...)made the place feel like a club, perhaps in BsAs, and not a dance hall (...)- The food was just right.(...) The best empanadas I’d ever had, good coffee, wonderful sweet treats, cash bar… - And the music was wonderful. Praise to all the DJs (...) - Finally it was a wonderful group of dancers- great skills and lots of kindness as well. Quite a few reached out to dance with people they hadn’t danced with before- always a welcoming sign! I do believe the spirit of any event begins with the organizers and filters down from there. The sweetness with which Neri and Ashvin conceived of and ran this encuentro opened everyone’s hearts- even just a bit! Thanks to them and the entire team John
I felt that all of our needs were anticipated in advance, which is at the core of successful hosting. Thank you Neri and Ashvin and helpers for your deep consideration. It was a weekend of Tango heaven! Rebecca
What an amazing weekend of tango! Thank you so much Neri, Ashvin, and all helpers for a perfectly organized event, your care, food, drinks, accommodating everyone's needs, your smiles and great attitude despite all the work you had to do. It warms my heart to recall all the great tandas, exceptional music, spending time with old and new friends. Gregory
Fabulous event, awesome music, and so many wonderful dancers, hugs, (major food in SF!) It was great to meet many local friendly dancers. Shirley
Thank you for your wonderful hospitality! The Encuentro was perfect in every way: beautiful venue, inspiring music, great dancers, fun chats, delicious empanadas and sweets, heart-warming atmosphere!!! Alexandra
From the party favors, to the heart shaped fans, to the hand written name tents, to the seating arrangements and the level of dancers - everything was spectacular! Thank you, Ashvin and Neri, for a most wonderful Encuentro! Kristina
Congratulations Neri & Ashvin on a spectacular and magical weekend at Todo Corazon Encuentro. Sandi