Registration Policies and Procedures

COVID Policies

Since Covid is an ongoing concern, please respect your fellow milongueros' wishes and choices on mask-wearing. Please refrain from polarizing discussion regarding Covid at any time during the weekend. Additionally, you are recommended to test for Covid before the event. We will provide hand sanitizer - it will be available in the common lounge area throughout the encuentro. City and county policies do not require masking or covid testing at the time of this writing. Please refer to for more information.

You (and your partner, if signed up as a Couple) agree to hold the Organizers of Encuentro Todo Corazón and the Verdi Club (referred hereinafter as the venue), harmless from, and waive on behalf of yourselves, your heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to you (and partner if applicable) and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from the Organizers. This liability waiver and release extends to the Organizers and all their partners, vendors, volunteers and employees, as well partners, staff, owners and employees of the venue. 

Eligibility Criteria

Attendance is not first-come-first-served, but rather, based on suitability. To be considered for the Encuentro, a dancer would need to have some combination of the following factors: good close-embrace dance level, sense of community and interest in others, intention of "dancing in harmony with other couples", and a high degree of familiarity with a Buenos Aires traditional milonga (including standard of social dancing, and adherence to codes and etiquette - also see Attendance is by invitation. Acceptance or decline of requests is at the sole discretion of hosts. 

Event Capacity

Spots are limited and maximum capacity is 150 role-balanced dancers. 

In the event that we reach our attendance capacity while awaiting your payment, your application will be placed on waitlist and any monies paid will be refunded. If a spot opens up at a later time, you will be notified via email and be able to pay at that time to secure your spot.

Application Process

If you have accepted an invitation offered via private message, you will be asked to submit payment before receiving the Application form.

If you accept an invitation sent by email, please fill out the application form. If we still have space at the time we review your application,we will send you a payment link to the email address which you signed up with. Note: Payment will be due immediately.

Attendance is only guaranteed after we receive your payment, AND you receive a confirmation email saving your spot.

You can apply as a single leader, single follower, or couple. Single followers will be added to a waitlist and selected to the Encuentro as leaders sign up. 


With few exceptions, payments are due immediately. Payments are to be made primarily with PayPal, and ONLY using "Friends and Family". Your registration is not valid unless you have paid with this method. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you would like to pay using an alternate method, please contact us.

If we do not receive your payment within 5 days of us sending you payment instructions or by a stated deadline (whichever comes earlier), your registration will be waitlisted, and is liable to be cancelled without further notice, and your spot will be made available to another applicant.

Cancellation/ Refunds

If you need to cancel, you may request a full refund (less any paypal fees)on or before April 30. Unfortunately we cannot honor refund requests after that date.

Cancellation within a couple: If one partner cancels their attendance, and the cancellation adversely affects role balance, then the remaining partner will be put on a waitlist until role balance can be restored. If such role balance cannot be achieved, the remaining partner’s registration will be cancelled and monies paid refunded (as long as the original cancellation request was received within the refund period – on or before April 30)

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