Boleo Class Demo Part I - 05/15/10

May 19, 2010
Part I - "With" Boleos. Two legs, two directions = 4 boleos. Note how subtle the leader's upper body movements are - the follower's hips amplify the motion of the leader's upper body.

Circular Structure Concept Class 04 17 10

April 19, 2010
By increasing rotation in small amounts, we can discover figures to construct on the floor. In this left turning theme, the leaders turn by opening the shoulders, therefore creating more and more space for the follower. We looked at i) Inside partner to outside partner ii)Parada and pasada iii) Media Vuelta iv) Enrosque to side sacada v) Sentada vi) Gancho, vii)Follower Back Sacada. Please note that it can take years to master the technique to make these moves work right.
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Marcelo Solis - Cadena in cross system

April 6, 2010
Marcelo Solis shows the left turning cadena and its building blocks. His website is

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Role Reversal lead/follow sacada - 3/27/2010

April 6, 2010
This class demos two figures which are identical in shape. The difference is that in the second figure, the leader and follower switch roles so that the first sacada is a follower sacada instead of a leader sacada.

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Salon Figure - Santiago y Amy

April 6, 2010

Performed by Ashvin and Sandi. Again, creaky floorboards and too-careful dancing...

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Follower sacada, change of direction, leg wrap - Ashvin Iyer 2-20-10

April 6, 2010
Right turning figure with follower sacada, follower inside partner right, change of direction, gancho on follower side step. Sorry about the creaking floorboards and yours truly dancing too carefully.

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