Ashvin has been dancing since 2006 and teaching Tango since 2010. His teaching method has seen students improve their dance instantly while also taking ownership of their progress. He emphasizes the knowledge of tango structure and circularity as the keys to self-learning, and enabled his students to discover the ability to teach themselves the dance. The main benefit of learning from him is that he can bring immediate results by identifying exactly where a student is having issues, be it technique, body positioning, mechanics or emotion. Ashvin taught at a regular milonga in San Francisco for 4 years and now teaches private classes. He has also been invited to teach at milongas and practicas in his local community, and has also taught series classes to beginning-level dancers. Ashvin's primary influences in teaching methods are Sebastian Arce, Sebastian Achaval, Ariadna Naveira, Mariano "Chicho" Frumboli, Oscar Casas, Cecilia Gonzalez, Jorge Torres and Luciana Valle.

Ashvin is an organizer of a weekly milonga in the San Francisco Bay Area. The event has been running since Feb 2010. The milonga has grown steadily in popularity and reaches up to 80 patrons on a regular night, and over 150 patrons at times. Several legendary professional teachers and couples have taught and performed at this event. Some examples are Fabian Salas and Lola Diaz, Fabian Peralta and Josefina Bermudez, Guillermina Quiroga, Leandro Oliver and Laila Rezk, Sebastian Jimenez and Maria Ines Bogado, Donato Juarez and Carolina del Rivero, Oscar Casas and Ana Miguel, Somer Surgit and Cecilia Gonzalez. In addition, Ashvin has organized several other profitable milongas around the bay area.

As a DJ, Ashvin has worked at several US festivals, and has gained substantial reviews from patrons, teachers, DJs and organizers. He has an imaginative flair for identifying and combining great danceable music, and a photographic memory for the orchestras and classics of tango. He has been instrumental in increasing awareness and education of tango among his patrons, bringing to the fore much great music yet unheard in his community Ashvin has a background in music study and performance, including over 15 years of classical guitar. In addition, he plays flamenco guitar, and comes from a family of Indian classical music lovers and artists. Ashvin had a “trial by fire” DJ initiation, when he launched his career as an organizer of a new event, and his DJ called in sick two hours before the milonga. Facing a crisis, he put together a memorable night of music on his debut.

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